Iron Earth Canada

IRON EARTH™ Soil Re-mineralizer

A picture of the 4lb bag of IRON EARTH™ alongside a measuring spoon.

IRON EARTH™ Soil Re-mineralizer is a granular product that adds minerals and essential fulvic and humic acids to the soil at the location of the plant's root system.

IRON EARTH™ Soil Re-mineralizer can be added to indoor and outdoor plants, trees, bushes, grapevines, as well as your lawn. Try it and you'll notice amazing results!


Add IRON EARTH™ to the soil as follows:

1 scoop of IRON EARTH™ Soil Re-mineralizer is equal to 2 tablespoons

How many square feet does IRON EARTH cover?

A 1/2lb bag of IRON EARTH™ will cover 40 square feet when broadcast or 5 - 8 individual plants. 

A 4lb bag of IRON EARTH will cover 330 square feet when broadcast
or 45 - 50 individual plants.

A 30lb pail of IRON EARTH will cover 3000 square feet when broadcast or 450 - 500 individual plants.

Can IRON EARTH be used in a greenhouse environment?

Absolutely! As a greenhouse grower you have multitude of variables to consider – indoor/outdoor environmental conditions, stage of development, water analysis, nutrient leaching, light, temperature, humidity, growing media etc. The effective management of these variables leads to decreased labour costs, energy costs, and higher yields, which all add up to higher ROI.

Can IRON EARTH be used on a lawn?

Yes! IRON EARTH™ will help provide quicker green-up, stronger root systems and better resistance against stress. We recommend a broadcast method. For best results, apply in the spring and fall. You can mix IRON EARTH™ with your grass seed and distribute evenly with a spreader. 

Sample Analysis:

 Nitrogen .97%
Phosphorus .03%
Phosphate .07%
Potassium .02%
Potash .02%
Sulfur .55%
Magnesium .04%
Calcium .70%
Sodium .08%
Iron 4369 ppm
Manganese 58 ppm
Copper 10 ppm
Zinc 5 ppm